LOUISE FISHMAN by Louise Fishman

アメリカ人アーティスト、ルイーズ・フィッシュマン(Louise Fishman)の作品集。作者の幅広い作品群をまとめた一冊。収録された作品はすべて即興で描かれたペンティングだが、スケールや手法は多様であり、作者の真髄を感じられる。こうした多様な性質を作者は「私の意図は、常に、絵画を繰り返さないこと、絵画の側面を繰り返さないことでした。私の絵画における意図は、発見し続けること、変化し続けることです」と語る。

This publication brings together a characteristically wide-ranging group of new works by painter Louise Fishman (born 1939). The paintings in this volume all appear as spontaneous improvisations upon an implied grid, but vary widely in scale (from 4 x 6 inches to 96 inches wide) and method. Paint is troweled, squeezed from the tube, diluted into a wash, pressed on with a sheet of paper and pulled off. The mediums include oil, watercolor, egg tempera, colored pencil, ink and graphite.

The varied nature of Fishman’s work can be explained by a simple statement from the artist herself: “My intention, always, was to not repeat a painting, was to not repeat aspects of paintings. My intention in painting is to keep discovering and to keep changing.”

by Louise Fishman

REGULAR PRICE ¥7,700  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781944316082

134 pages
267 x 267 mm

published by CHEIM & READ