アメリカ人写真家、イーライ・ダースト(Eli Durst)の作品集。本書は、作者が数年にわたり撮影した、コネチカット州ニュータウンの信仰に基づく自己啓発グループとの関係から発展して生まれたシリーズを収録。表向きは快適な生活を送っているように見えるが、このような郊外に住む裕福な人々は、満たされない、方向性を見いだせないと感じていた。彼らは毎週教会の地下室に集まり、意味と目的を見出すための精神的・世俗的な戦略を議論し、アメリカの中流階級社会における成功、進歩、アイデンティティの指標を分解した。
The Four Pillars grew out of a relationship with a faith-based self-help group in Newtown, Connecticut, that Durst photographed over several years. Despite their ostensibly comfortable lives, these affluent suburbanites felt unfulfilled and directionless. They met weekly in church basements to discuss spiritual and secular strategies to find meaning and purpose, and to deconstruct the markers of success, progress and identity within middle-class American society.
Durst's staged, inventive images build organically on this self-critical base structure by inventing scenarios that interrogate the relationship between the individual and the group, the norms we aspire to, and the social gravity that holds these two in alignment. Durst takes the details of these scenarios – mundane family portraits, team bonding exercises, pregnancy groups, school gyms, amateur theatre, county fairs – and amplifies their strangeness, through a lens that is at once factual, fictional, banal and absurd.