SECONDS by Luc Tuymans

ベルギー人アーティスト、リュック・タイマンス(Luc Tuymans)の作品集。2021年5月から2021年6月にかけてベルギー・アントワープのギャラリー「ゼノイクス・ギャラリー(ZENO X GALLERY)」で開催された展覧会に伴い、ギャラリーと出版社で共同刊行された。アコーディオン状の製本が施され、英語とドイツ語の両言語テキストを掲載。



Luc Tuymans’ aim was to create pertinent images during the global pandemic.

The artist explores issues of history and memory as well as the relationship between photography and painting, using a muted palette to create canvases that are at once withholding and disarmingly stark.

The catalogue centres on four monumental canvases on which numbers were painted, alongside three paintings and an animation film.

Drawing on imagery from photography, television and film, his distinctive compositions make ingenious use of cropping, close-ups and framing, offering fresh perspectives on the medium of painting as well as on broader cultural issues.

by Luc Tuymans

REGULAR PRICE ¥4,950  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9783753303468

32 pages
275 x 220 mm
color, black and white

published by WALTHER KÖNIG