アメリカ人アーティスト、ロー・エスリッジ(Roe Ethridge)の作品集。本書では、作者の母親の故郷であるアメリカ・フロリダ州の大西洋岸に位置する「パームビーチ」での私的なドキュメント写真を中心に、ファッションフォトの不採用作品やシュールリアリズムなコラージュ作品が断片的でありながら独特のストーリー性を感じさせるように構成され、作者が高く評価されるその編集能力が発揮された1冊となっている。NYの出版社「KARMA」を運営するデザインチーム「An Art Service」によるタイトル・デザイン。

対談:ロー・エスリッジ(写真家) × ⽯野郁和(写真家)

Roe Ethridge’s practice is that of a restless maverick and his constantly evolving visual sensibility has spawned a myriad of copyists in what has become known as ‘the new school of synthetic photography’. In this his latest artist book, Ethridge conflates a rich array of photographic tropes, combining personal documentary images made in western Palm Beach County, his mother’s childhood home, with surreal collage works, and a series discarded from a Chanel fashion shoot. These are interwoven with what appears to be a carefully directed scene depicting a teeth-white Durango SUV sinking into and then being retrieved from a canal. The clash of visual styles, histories and meaning establish a flatline of dissonance underscored by the touchline admonition of the neon title - SACRIFICE YOUR BODY. Ethridge's storytelling invokes a sense of discomfit akin to David Lynch’s film-making, a lucid undermining of veracity and morality and the ingrained materiality that underpins American life.

CONVERSATION:Roe Ethridge(Photographer)x Fumi Ishino(Photographer)

by Roe Ethridge

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,000  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781907946615

128 pages
216 x 288 mm

shortlist of the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2011

published by MACK