MAKING A GREAT EXHIBITION by Rose Blake, Doro Globus

ロンドンを拠点とするイギリス人イラストレーターのローズ・ブレイク(Rose Blake)とイギリス人作家のドロ・グローバス(Doro Globus)による3〜7歳児童向けの絵本。

アーティストはどのように彫刻や絵画を制作するのか?どんな道具を使うのか?完成した作品はどうなるのか?本書は、二人のアーティストが制作するスタジオから展覧会開催までの道のりを通して、アート作品が辿る裏側を楽しく、カラフルに描いている。 途中、キュレーターや写真家、運送業者、美術館に訪れる人々など、アートに関わる様々な役割を持った人々が登場する。


How does an artist make a sculpture or a painting? What tools do they use? What happens to the artwork next? This fun, inside look at the life of an artwork shows the journey of two artists’ work from studio to exhibition. Stopping along the way we meet colorful characters—curators, photographers, shippers, museum visitors, and more!

Both illustrator and author were raised in the art world, spending their time in studios, doing homework in museum offices, and going to special openings. They have teamed up to share their experiences and love for this often mysterious world to a young audience. London-based illustrator Rose Blake is best known for her work in A History of Pictures for Children, by David Hockney and Martin Gayford, which has been a worldwide success. Author Doro Globus brings her love for the arts and kids together with this fun journey.

by Doro Globus , Rose Blake

REGULAR PRICE ¥4,400  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781644230497

40 pages
229 x 273 mm