KING PLEASURE© by Jean-Michel Basquiat

1980年代の最も重要なアメリカ人アーティストの一人として知られる、ジャン=ミシェル・バスキア(Jean-Michel Basquiat)の作品集。本書は、ニューヨークの 「スターレット=リーハイ・ビル(Starrett-Lehigh Building)」で2022年に開催された展覧会に伴い刊行された。本展及び本書は、作者の姉と妹であるリサーン・バスキア(Lisane Basquiat )とジェニーン・ヘリヴォー(Jeanine Heriveaux)、継母のノラ・フィッツパトリック(Nora Fitzpatrick)ら、「ジャン=ミシェル・バスキア財団(The Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat)」を運営する家族3人によって企画された。芸術に対する努力、個人的な生活の一面、影響を受けたもの、生きた時代などを絡めながら、作者の物語を家族ならではの親密な視点から伝えた画期的な一冊。



This landmark volume tells the story of Jean-Michel Basquiat from the intimate perspective of his family, intertwining his artistic endeavors with his personal life, influences, and the times in which he lived, and features for the first time work from the Estate’s largely unseen and significant collection of paintings, drawings, sketches, and ephemera.

Organized by the family of Basquiat, the exhibition and accompanying catalogue feature over 200 never before and rarely seen paintings, drawings, ephemera, and artifacts. The artist’s contributions to the history of art and his exploration into our multi-faceted culture—incorporating music, the Black experience, pop culture, African American sports figures, literature, and other sources—are showcased alongside personal reminiscences and firsthand accounts providing unique insight into Basquiat’s creative life and his singular voice that propelled the social and cultural narrative that continues to this day.

Structured around key periods in his life, from his childhood and formative years, his meteoric rise in the art world and beyond, to his untimely death, the book features in-depth interviews with his surviving family members.

by Jean Michel Basquiat

REGULAR PRICE ¥10,560  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9780847871872

336 pages
206 x 276 mm
color, black and white

published by RIZZOLI