HOLY ONION by Motoyuki Daifu [SIGNED]

日本人写真家、題府基之の作品集。一人の女性がキッチンで玉ネギの皮をむく写真がひたすら続く。あまりに日常的な、それでいてこの上なく非日常性を孕む光景。収録されているのは、フィルム1本分全35カット。1枚の写真にその人物を象徴する瞬間がとらえれているのがポートレイト写真だとすれば、本作は既成のポートレイト写真への問いかけであるのかもしれない。「1枚で見せるポートレイトってことじゃなくて、35枚全部で一つのポートレイト。今回たまたま35枚でしたが、5枚でも10枚でも1枚じゃないポートレイトに最近興味がある」と作者は語る。『Still Life』、『Hypermarché – Novembre(大型スーパー、11月)』(ミシェル・ウェルベックとの共著)に続く作品。クリス・フジワラによるエッセイのブックレットが付属。

In his photobook “Holy Onion”, Japanese photographer Motoyuki Daifu concentrates on his mother, photographed while she peels an onion in the family’s kitchen (both mother and kitchen are familiar to us from Daifu’s previous works portraying his family’s life). In 35 continuous photographs, Daifu captures his mother peeling onions, frame by frame. The photographs are taken only moments apart, as Daifu’s mother cuts into the onion in her hand, scratches her nose, look at the camera, back at the onion, wipe her eyes. The book’s accordion design, with some images separated by white pages, others grouped together, adds to the continuous nature of the sequence. As the images progress, small details in the setting change, and by the end of the book, the plate with onion peels is again empty, the process ready to start all over again. With “Holy Onion”, Daifu pays close attention to the intricacies of mundane tasks and accentuates the beauty within (almost automatic) everyday routines. The book also features an essay by Chris Fujiwara (in English).

by Motoyuki Daifu

REGULAR PRICE ¥5,280  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9784905254096

164 pages
200 x 140 mm


published by OSIRIS