FROM "BLAUE HORSE" TILL NOW DAYS 1965-2022 by Boris Mikhailov

ウクライナ人フォトグラファー、ボリス・ミハイロフ(Boris Mikhailov)の作品集。パリの「ヨーロッパ写真美術館(MEP)」で開催された大規模回顧展に伴い刊行された本書は、過去57年に渡って制作されてきた作者のプロジェクトが収録されており、その活動を回顧する最も重要な一冊である。




作者と妻のヴィタ・ミハイロフ(Vita Mikhailov)によるコラボレーションによってデザイン、編集された本書は、作者の技法と哲学を物語るべく、各プロジェクトにまつわるユニークな見識を掲載。付属の小冊子には、「ヨーロッパ写真美術館」館長のサイモン・ベイカー(Simon Baker)、先述した展覧会のキュレーター、ローリー・ハーウィッツ(Laurie Hurwitz)、そして作者の親しい友人でもあるアーティスト、リー・レーダレ(Leigh Ledare)が寄稿したテキストを収録。作品シリーズ「Viscidity」と「Unfinished Dissertation」の翻訳も掲載する。

Considered one of the most influential contemporary artists from Eastern Europe, he has been developing a body of experimental photographic work exploring social and political subjects for more than fifty years.

Boris Mikhailov’s pioneering practice encompasses documentary photography, conceptual work, painting and performance. Since the 1960s, he has been creating a haunting record of the tumultuous changes in Ukraine that accompanied the collapse of the Soviet Union and the disastrous consequences of its dissolution.

In an extraordinarily rich body of work that defies categorisation, Mikhailov unsettles visual codes. Inventing his own distinct artistic language in series that vary enormously in terms of technique, format and approach, he bears witness to the harsh social realities and absurdities of his time.

Combining humour and tragedy, Boris Mikhailov unceasingly defends artistic freedom as both a means of resistance. Through his uncompromising treatment of controversial subjects, he demonstrates the subversive power of art.

For more than half a century, he has been bearing witness to the grip of the Soviet system on his country, constructing a complex and powerful photographic narrative on Ukraine’s contemporary history that in light of current events, is all the more poignant and enlightening.

From "blaue horse" till now days 1965-2022

Published on the occasion of Boris Mikhailov's major retrospective at the MEP, Paris
The book brings together 27 of Mikhailov's projects over the last 57 years.

Working closely with Boris and Vita Mikhailov on the design and edit of the book we have included over 3000 words in quotes giving a unique insight into each project and Boris' methodology and philosophy.

An second booklet with essays contributed by Simon Baker (Director of MEP, Paris), Laurie Hurwitz (Curator of the exhibition), and artist Leigh Ledare (artists and friend of the Mikhailov's) complements the main book. Included in this are also translations for the series Viscidity and Unfinished Dissertation.

by Boris Mikhailov

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,000  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781907071942

hardcover with a catalog
576 + 64 pages
170 x 240 mm each
color, black and white
limited edition of 1,500 copies

published by MÖREL