スペイン発の建築雑誌「2G Magazine」第78号。本号では、日本人建築家の石上純也を特集。ヨーロッパでこの建築家が知られるようになったのは、2008年ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ建築展の日本館のプロポーザルがきっかけであった。当時はまださほど知られていない若手建築家であり、妹島和世の元で数年働いた後に2004年に事務所「Junya.Ishigami+Associates」を立ち上げてまだ数年経った頃だった。ヴェネチアの日本館において、内部の壁面全てをナイーヴとも言える繊細な庭のドローイングで埋め、館外にいくつかの温室を建て、実際に庭を作りだした。同年、作者が手がけた神奈川工科大学KAIT工房が完成し、その2作品だけで日本の建築史において最も先進的な建築家の一人として知られるようになった。透明性と警戒さの限界を押し拡げようとした初期に比べ、栃木のボタニカルアートビオトープ「水庭」、中国の壮大な「谷の教会」、山口県の「House & Restaurant」など、近年は建てられた物体と自然の関係性をコンセプチュアルに探るようになっており、地質構造の分析と、土地や自然の特性が融合した建築を生み出している。

On Architecture. Kayoko Ota interviews Junya Ishigami / Kanagawa Institute of Technology (KAIT) Workshop, Kanagawa / Yohji Yamamoto Store, New York / Japanese Pavillon,11th International Architecture Biennale, Venice / Kanagawa Institute of Technology / Multi-Purpose Plaza, Kanagawa / House with plants, Tokyo / Polytechnic Museum, Moscow / Park Groot Vijversburg Visitor Center, Tytsjerk, The Netherlands / House for the Elderly, Akita, Japan / Botanical Garden Art Biotop / Water Garden, Tochigi / House and restaurant, Yamaguchi, Japan / Family House, Japan / Forest Kindergarten, Shandong / Chapel of the Valley, Shandong Eight villas, Dali / Cultural Center, Shandong / JINS Eyewear Shop, Shanghai / Conversation with Junya Ishigami, Hans Ulrich Obrist

The first time Junya Ishigami made himself known in Europe, with his proposal for the Japan Pavilion for the Venice Architecture Biennale 2008, he was a young an almost unknown architect who had worked for several years with Kazuo Sejima and had not long with his studio junya.ishigami +associates, founded in 2004. In the Venice pavilion, Ishigami filled all the interior walls of the pavilion with delicate a somehow naïf drawings of gardens and decided to build several greenhouses with real gardens in the outdoor gardens of the building. The following year, he finished the Kanagawa Institute of Technology Workshop, and with only two works he was acclaimed as one of the most innovative proposals of the recent Japanese architecture. Forcing the limits of transparency and lightness in the beginning, his latest works explore in a conceptual way the relationships between the built matter and the nature, in works such as the Botanical Farm Garden in Tochigi, a multi confessional chapel in China or the house and restaurant for a chef in Japan, where the exploration of the tectonic merges with the telluric and the nature.

On Architecture. Kayoko Ota interviews Junya Ishigami / Kanagawa Institute of Technology (KAIT) Workshop, Kanagawa / Yohji Yamamoto Store, New York / Japanese Pavillon,11th International Architecture Biennale, Venice / Kanagawa Institute of Technology / Multi-Purpose Plaza, Kanagawa / House with plants, Tokyo / Polytechnic Museum, Moscow / Park Groot Vijversburg Visitor Center, Tytsjerk, The Netherlands / House for the Elderly, Akita, Japan / Botanical Garden Art Biotop / Water Garden, Tochigi / House and restaurant, Yamaguchi, Japan / Family House, Japan / Forest Kindergarten, Shandong / Chapel of the Valley, Shandong Eight villas, Dali / Cultural Center, Shandong / JINS Eyewear Shop, Shanghai / Conversation with Junya Ishigami, Hans Ulrich Obrist

by 2G , Junya Ishigami

REGULAR PRICE ¥8,580  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9783960980964

160 pages
235 x 305 mm

published by WALTHER KÖNIG