THE JAPANESE HOUSE SINCE 1945 by Naomi Pollock

アメリカ人建築家でありジャーナリスト、作家のナオミ・ポロック(Naomi Pollock)著作の、日本の住宅建築をまとめた一冊。日本建築史に名を刻む建築家たちが1945年から現在までの間に設計した住宅を網羅した、究極の決定版ともいえる建築作品集。序文は建築家の安藤忠雄によるもの。



さらに、モノクロからカラーへ、手描きからデジタルへと進化するビジュアルによって、時代を経ることでの発展が強調されている。各年代の導入部では、各章の歴史的背景を示し、項目の合間に挟まれている「Spotlight」は、屋根などをはじめとした日本の住宅の様々な構成要素を紹介し、読者の関心を引き付ける。建築家やその家族によって書かれたコラム「At Home」からは、これらのユニークな住宅での生活体験が生き生きと伝わってくる。

Imagine a terraced house whose courtyard separates the kitchen from the bedroom. Or a tiny, triangular tower of rooms stacked one above another. Quirky, experimental and utterly fascinating, the houses produced in Japan since the end of the Second World War are among the most exceptional in the world. The Japanese House Since 1945 is a cohesive chronology of the most compelling architect-designed Japanese homes, showing developments in form, material, architectural expression and family living over almost eight decades.

Unparallelled in their conceptual purity, many Japanese houses have become icons at home as well as abroad. Presented with clear prose and accompanied by compelling photographs and drawings, this book features 97 houses, divided among nine chapters and organized by decade. In addition to acquainting the reader with individual homes, the book illuminates the social, technological, geographic and historical factors behind these era-defining houses. Developments over the period are underscored by the visual presentation, as it evolves from monochrome to colour and from hand-drawn to digital. Decade lead-ins set the historical context for each chapter, while ‘Spotlight’ segments draw attention to the separate components of the Japanese house. ‘At Home’ sections, most written by architects and their family members, bring to life the experience of living in these unique houses.

by Naomi Pollock , Tadao Ando

REGULAR PRICE ¥15,400  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9780500343739

400 pages
230 x 280 mm
color, black and white

published by THAMES & HUDSON