社会と政治が激変した1970年代から80年代にかけて活躍した女性アーティストたちが手がけた作品の豊かさと多様性を探求する一冊。2023年11月から2024年4月までロンドンの「テート・ブリテン(Tate Britain)」開催されている展覧会に伴い刊行された。


フェミニスト映画の配給、黒人や南アジア系女性アーティストの認知度、悪名高い法律「セクション28(地方自治法28条 / Section 28)」とエイズの流行、グリーナム・コモン空軍基地と平和運動、パンク、フェミニズム、アートの交差点など、様々なテーマについて書かれたエッセイは、後世に道を拓き、最終的にはイギリス文化の様相を変えた女性たちからなる、高度に創造的で、積極的に政治に関与し、断固とした意志を持ったコミュニティの多様性を讃えている。

「テート」ギャラリー現代英国美術キュレーター、リンゼイ・ヤング(Linsey Young)が編集を担当。

The Women in Revolt! exhibition book is a crucial exploration of the wealth and diversity of work by women artists working in the 1970s and 1980s during a period of seismic social and political change.

Across a wide variety of mediums including painting, drawing, sculpture, performance, film and photography, this extensive exhibition catalogue reflects on how women's needs were marginalised within mainstream culture. It reveals how artists used radical ideas and methods to confront issues that will resonate with contemporary audiences — from access to healthcare and class struggles to ecological disaster, racism and misogyny.

Featuring essays on feminist film distribution, the visibility of Black and South Asian women artists, Section 28 and the AIDS pandemic, Greenham Common and the peace movement, and the intersection of punk, feminism and art, Women in Revolt! celebrates the full diversity of what was a highly creative, politically engaged and determined community of women that paved the way for future generations and, ultimately, changed the face of British culture.

Edited by Linsey Young, Curator of Contemporary British Art at Tate, with text by:

Alice Correia - an art historian, she is a specialist in late twentieth-century British art, with a focus on Black and South Asian diaspora artists.

Zuzana Flaskova, Assistant Curator of Modern and Contemporary British Art at Tate.

Rachel Garfield, Head of Art at the University of Reading, with particular interests in lens-based media. She is also an artist and writer.

Juliet Jacques, a writer and filmmaker who co-founded and co-hosted Suite (212) on Resonance 104.4fm, which looked at the arts in their social, cultural, political and historical contexts.

Bolanle Tadjudeen, curator, educator and founder of Black Blossoms.

Amy Tobin, Curator of Contemporary Programmes at Kettle’s Yard, University of Cambridge and Director of Studies in History of Art and Fellow, Newnham College. She is the co-editor of The Art of Feminism (2019, Tate Publishing).

REGULAR PRICE ¥9,350  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781849768627

304 pages
205 x 262 mm

published by TATE PUBLISHING