DROWNED IN A DREAM by Susan A. Zadeh

オランダを拠点として活動するコンテンポラリーアーティスト、スーザン・A・ザデー(Susan A. Zadeh)の初作品集。どこか奇妙で現実離れした25点のフォトモンタージュを収録。魅惑的でありながら不安感を掻き立てる架空のランドスケープは、ゆっくりと海面下に沈みつつあるオランダの記録であると同時に、作家個人の日記でもある。


A quintessential artist's book, Drowned in a Dream comprises 25 photomontages by contemporary artist Susan A. Zadeh. Alternating between the slightly strange and fantastic, Zadeh's seductive and unsettling imaginary landscapes prerecord the soft submersion of Holland into the seas while also serving as a sort of personal diary.

Forever daydreaming… after 37 years of living in Amsterdam, it was about time to make this village mine,” the artist writes. The result, an ongoing photographic series of more than 500 images, formed the source for Drowned in a Dream, the first monograph devoted exclusively to Zadeh's work.

by Susan A. Zadeh

REGULAR PRICE ¥9,900  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 978-1-59005-503-8

48 pages
230 x 300 mm

published by NAZRAELI PRESS