THE FALL VOL.1-6 by Tobias Zielony

ドイツ人フォトグラファー、映像作家であるトビアス・ツィローニ(Tobias Zielony)の作品集。2021年夏にドイツ・エッセンの「フォルクヴァンク美術館」で開催された、作者の過去20年間の写真作品と映像作品を蒐集した、大規模展覧会に伴い刊行された作品集。ユースカルチャーとその背景、地位、ファッションとの関係性、および表現手段のリアリティが移り変わりつつある領域において、ユースカルチャーとの関係の中で定義される「アイデンティティ」を大きなテーマとして掲げている。


作者の制作をキャリアの初期から支え続けてきた出版社「Spector Books」は、第3版まで重版した「TRONA」(2008)に始まり、「MANITOBA」(2011)、「JENNY JENNY」(2013)、「VELE」(2014)と継続的に作品集を刊行してきた。非常にユニークな形で作られたこの展覧会図録は、長年に渡る緊密なコラボレーションから生まれたものである。

本作は、6冊の小さな本から成る。各巻に2~4作品と対になるエッセイや小説を収録。ソフィア・アイゼンフット(Sophia Eisenhut)、ジョシュア・グロス(Joshua Gross)、ドラ・コダーホールド(Dora Koderhold)、エニス・マチ(Enis Maci)、マズラム・ネルギズ(Mazlum Nergiz)、ジェイコブ・ノルテ(Jakob Nolte)ら新進気鋭の若手作家6名がこのプロジェクトに参加する。

In summer 2021, the Museum Folkwang in Essen will be showing the work of Tobias Zielony in a large survey exhibition, featuring photographs and video works from the last twenty years. One of the key themes in Zielony’s artistic work is youth culture, its relationship to background, status, and fashion, and the definition of identity associated with this in a realm where the realities of the medium are shifting. Digital culture has revolutionized the ways in which photographic images can communicate, fundamentally altering the idea of the self and self-representation. In Zielony’s works, the subjects of his pictures appear as self-aware participants in this process of interaction—engaging in a global exchange of social codes and self-images, irrespective of the cultural and social differences between the people involved. Spector Books has consistently supported Zielony’s work from the start of his career. In 2008 we published Trona, now in its third edition, followed by Manitoba (2011), Jenny Jenny (2013), and Vele (2014). This sustained process of close collaboration has given rise to an unusual idea for the catalogue for the Essen exhibition. It is to be published as a series of six small volumes, each showing two to four works in full and accompanied by a text that creates a counterpoint to these works in the form of an essay or piece of fiction. Six protagonists of the new literary generation—Sophia Eisenhut, Joshua Gross, Dora Koderhold, Enis Maci, Mazlum Nergiz, and Jakob Nolte—have agreed to take part in this project.

Born in 1973 in Wuppertal, Germany, Tobias Zielony studied Documentary Photography in Newport and Leipzig. In 2015 the artist participated at a group show for the German Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale with his work The Citizen (2015). He had group shows for example at Bozar Center for Fine Arts, Brussels (2015) and the 2nd Montevideo Biennial (2014) and solo shows at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (2011) and Berlinische Galerie (2013).

by Tobias Zielony

REGULAR PRICE ¥8,250  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9783959055321

- pages
120 x 176 mm
color, black and white

published by SPECTOR BOOKS