SCRIM by Ida Nissen

ロンドンに拠点を置くアーティスト、アイダ・ニッセン(Ida Nissen) の作品集。




また、ここで使われている「Favorit Hangul」というフォントは、筒状の形と幾何学的な構成が韓国語のハングル文字を形式的に参照していることから、韓国人であるアーティストによる自身のルーツの探求という側面を強調し補完している。


SCRIM is an artists’ book functioning as a purposeful record of Ida Nissen’s creative process, as well as a collection of finished works. This rich edition, printed in five colours, presents a broad spectrum of the artist’s influences and sources, unpacking ideas and underlying manoeuvres in flux between distant and close, foreign, and alike, hidden and revealed.

Remnants from the colour darkroom and the large-format camera blend with memories, found images, book clippings and cut-out shapes forming a stream of consciousness interspersed with Nissen’s finished collage works.

The hard-cover book is clothbound in a granite-black fabric with a loose weave, referencing the book’s title and nature of a scrim fabric. The silver Pantone ink used throughout hearkens back to the gelatin silver darkroom process fundamental to Nissen’s experimental analogue, camera-based practice.

The typeface in use, Favorit Hangul, underlines and complements the search into the artist’s South Korean origin as its tubular shapes and geometric constructions formally reference the Korean Hangul alphabet.

SCRIM is printed in an edition of 300, of which 50 are a special edition, each with an additional silkscreen impression on the front cover, hand-printed by the artist, and a unique set of photogram cut-outs enclosed in an acid-free sleeve on the inside back cover.

The special edition is here.

by Ida Nissen

REGULAR PRICE ¥9,350  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9788792988270

152 pages
190 x 245 mm
edition of 250 copies

published by LODRET VANDRET