ONE PICTURE BOOK TWO #39: DOS by Daido Moriyama

日本人写真家、森山大道の作品集。アメリカの出版社「NAZRAELI PRESS」が手がけるプリント付き作品集シリーズ『ONE PICTURE BOOK TWO』の第39巻。

全100タイトルをもって完結した『ONE PICTURE BOOK』のアップグレード版である本シリーズ『ONE PICTURE BOOK TWO』は、装丁、サイズともにリニューアル。各タイトル500部限定発行、約127x178mm(約5x7インチ)のサイン入りプリントが付属し、前作と同様100タイトルで完結予定。

2015年、作者は「ヒューストン美術館(The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston / MFAH)」で開催された展覧会「来るべき世界の為に 1968から1979年における日本美術・写真における実験For a New World to Come: Experiments in Japanese Art and Photography, 1968–1979)」のオープニングのために訪米した。その後、西海岸を撮影すべく、ロサンゼルスへと赴いた。2日間で、サンタモニカ、ヴェニス、マリーナで路地や民家を撮影し、出来上がった写真はモノクロ写真で構成される「Uno」とカラーの「Dos」の二冊に仕上げられた。


In 2015, Daido Moriyama stopped in Los Angeles to photograph the westside following a museum opening of his work in Houston. For two days, he photographed in Santa Monica, Venice and the Marina, in alleyways and private homes. The resulting photographs are presented in his newest contributions to our One Picture Book Series: Daido "Uno" (black and white) and Daido "Dos" (color).

Born in Osaka, Japan in 1938, Daido Moriyama is arguably the most influential photographer of his generation. His work is widely exhibited throughout the world, and is represented in most important museum collections. Moriyama is known for his images depicting the contrast of traditional values and modern society in post-war Japan, and for his desire to utilize photography in “the fossilization of light”.

Limited to 500 numbered copies, each copy of Daido "Dos" includes a 5x7 inch original print that has been signed by the artist.

by Daido Moriyama

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,000  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781590055731

including a print signed by Daido Moriyama
print: 127 x 178 mm

16 pages
152 x 216 mm
color, black and white
limited edition of 500 copies


published by NAZRAELI PRESS