アメリカ人フォトグラファー、タニヤ・マルクーゼ(Tanya Marcuse)の作品集。アメリカの出版社「NAZRAELI PRESS」が手がけるプリント付き作品集シリーズ『ONE PICTURE BOOK TWO』の第37巻。

全100タイトルをもって完結した『ONE PICTURE BOOK』のアップグレード版である本シリーズ『ONE PICTURE BOOK TWO』は、装丁、サイズともにリニューアル。各タイトル500部限定発行、約127x178mm(約5x7インチ)のサイン入りプリントが付属し、前作と同様100タイトルで完結予定。

Portent visualizes phenomena that defy the laws of nature by staging fantastical scenes in swamps, rivers, and orchards near the artist's home in the Hudson Valley. Working without digital special effects in all seasons, weathers, and times of day, Tanya Marcuse photographs golden snakes entwined around tree branches, mysterious blue fire and blood-red snow, ice-encased apples, and other ‘marvels’ which testify to the presence of the extraordinary within plain sight. Photography often walks a thin line between fact and fiction, or dwells in a realm where the two cannot be distinguished;  Marcuse's work embraces this ambiguity, and invites viewers into an expanded sense of the possible, the believable, and even the real.

Drawing from Part II of a larger project titled Book of Miracles, Portent is in conversation with the 16th century Augsburg Wunderzeichenbuch, an illustrated compendium of biblical, astronomical, and apocalyptic wonders and omens. Marcuse began Book of Miracles during the lockdown at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic; the project has unfolded during wildfires, extreme temperatures, and great political and social upheaval, and reflects the increasing strangeness and instability of our world.

Tanya Marcuse is an American artist most known for her large-scale photographs investigating the imperiled natural world in elaborately constructed tableaux. Her photographs are included in many collections including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; and the George Eastman Museum, Rochester. She is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Peter S. Reed Grant and two MacDowell Fellowships.

Portent is limited to 500 numbered copies, each including a 5x7 inch original print that has been signed by the artist. In addition, each book contains a letterpress print with an excerpt from the 16th century Augsburg Book of Miracles, translated, typeset and printed by the artist's son Jacob Romm at Letter and Spirit Press.

by Tanya Marcuse

REGULAR PRICE ¥9,680  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781590055717

including a print signed by Tanya Marcuse
print: 127 x 178 mm

16 pages
152 x 216 mm
color, black and white
limited edition of 500 copies


published by NAZRAELI PRESS