シリア人フォトグラファー、セルベスト・サリー(Serbest Salih)が主催する、トルコの非営利団体「Sirkhane DARKROOM」による作品集。トルコ南東部、シリアとの国境から僅か数キロにある子どものためのサーカスの学校、シルクハーネは、村から村へと渡り歩き、子供たちに写真の撮影、現像、印刷方法を教える移動式の暗室も運営している。シリア難民である作者が主催するこの暗室は、「写真とは普遍的な癒しの言語である」という根源的な信念に基づいて設立された。シリアやイラクから来た難民が多いこの地域に暮らす子供たちに、1種の遊びとして、または自分の周りの世界を理解する手段としての写真に親しむ機会を提供している。




本書の売上は全て非営利団体「Her Yerde Sanat-Sirkhane」に寄付される。

写真の本質的に民主的な本質と驚きをもたらす力を証明してみせた作品…この本が世に出たことは快挙です」– The Observer紙

深遠…ページをめくる喜びを味合わせてくれる本」– The Washington Post紙

写真は部外者が人々のトラウマを記録するだけでなく、当事者が自らを癒す手段にもなることを示した、詩情あふれる1冊」– CNN

悲しみや嘆きではなく、好奇心、遊び、家族や友人への愛に満ち溢れた日々の瞬間を垣間見せてくれる、子供の視点で捉えた風景を讃えた作品」– The Independent紙

驚きの連続…子供たちは家庭でのプライベートな時間や友達との楽しい出会いを写真に収め、突拍子もないセルフィーを撮る」– Financial Times紙

In Southeastern Turkey, just kilometres from the Syrian border, is Sirkhane: a mobile darkroom which travels from village to village teaching children how to shoot, develop, and print their own photographs. Led by Serbest Salih, a young photographer and Syrian refugee, the darkroom is founded on a fundamental belief in photography as a universal and therapeutic language, and encourages children living in the area — many of whom are themselves refugees from Syria and Iraq — to experiment with the medium as both a form of play and a means of understanding the world around them.

In these images, produced by the project’s young participants, the city of Mardin and the vast Mesopotamian plain beyond become a backdrop to the miraculous dreams, games, and discoveries which play out within the space of the frame. In occasional moments, the war nearby is hinted at: a fighter plane enters the frame of an otherwise clear sky; a child peers out from inside a UNHCR box. But rather than reiterating scenes of suffering and trauma, these images depict their environment afresh through the unmistakable, wonder-filled gaze of a child: a vision punctuated by surprise and play, in which friends and family are captured mid-flight, upside down, leaning out of windows, and whimsically disguised.

Full of laughter and joy, i saw the air fly is testament to the unfailing resilience of the imagination, the healing power of photography, and the enchanting perspective of childhood.

All proceeds from this publication will go to the Her Yerde Sanat-Sirkhane non-profit.

The publication of i saw the air fly is a singular achievement … attesting to the essentially democratic nature of [photography], and its ability to surprise.” – The Observer

"[This] poetic book ... demonstrate[s] how photography can be a means for people to heal, not just a way for outsiders to document their trauma." – CNN

In intimate domestic scenes ... the children capture moments of play in often sloping, blurry, mid-acrobatic shots.” – AnOther

[i saw the air fly] celebrates the child’s-eye view, showing us everyday moments marked not by sadness or grief, but by curiosity, play and love for their friends and family.” – The Independent

“Constantly surprising ... The children capture private moments at home, playful encounters with friends or take quirky selfies.“ – Financial Times

by Sirkhane Darkroom

REGULAR PRICE ¥5,500  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781913620370

160 pages
210 x 145 mm
black and white

published by MACK