アメリカ人アーティスト、マーティン・ウォング(Martin Wong)の作品集。本書は、1968年に自費出版され、1966年から1968年にかけて作者が書き下ろした詩を収録した一冊。当時、発展させた独自の特徴的なカリグラフィーのスタイルで手書きされた数々の詩は、登場人物や情景、そこに漂う気分のゆらぎのように、ページをめくるたびに視覚的に浮き沈みしている。本書は、作者による初の詩集であり、骸骨の天使やその他のタブロー作の複雑なドローイングを紹介する二重カバーと、2つの詩、骨の葉のドローイングを含む折り畳みの差し込みが、ブロードシートにプリントされて収録されている。

本書に掲載している詩は、作者が「カリフォルニア大学バークレー校(The University of California, Berkeley)」を中退し、ヒッピームーブメント真っ只中のサンフランシスコを探検し始めた直後の、比較的自由な活動時期に書かれたものである。シュールレアリスム的かつ牧歌的な作者を取り巻く都会のサブカルチャーの描写から、孤独でありながら優しさを感じさせる、意気消沈し、旅疲れした伝記的な内容まで多岐にわたる。本書は、1967年の暮れから1968年初めにかけて、クィアでドラッグに溺れたハウスパーティーで逮捕されたり(ダンサーのルドルフ・ヌレエフ(Rudolf Nureyev)やマーゴット・フォンテイン(Margot Fonteyn)らとともに)、精神病院に入院したりなど、この時期の作者の波乱に満ちた人生をとらえた日記のように機能している。本書が出版される頃、作者は学位取得のため「ハンボルト州立大学(Humboldt State University)」に入学し、アーティストとしての新たな一歩を踏み出した。

Self-published in 1968, Footprints, Poems, and Leaves collects dozens of poems written by Martin Wong between 1966 and 1968. Hand-written in a signature calligraphic style that he was just beginning to develop, the poems ebb and flow visually across the page, much like the fluctuating characters, scenes, and moods that inhabit them. This was Wong’s first book of poetry and it contains a double cover showcasing intricate drawings of skeletal angels and other tableaux, as well as a folded, looseleaf broadsheet containing two poems and a drawing of a boney leaf.

The poems were written during a relatively free period for the artist, shortly after he dropped out of Berkeley and began exploring San Francisco at the height of the hippy movement. The poems range from surrealist and pastoral descriptions of the urban subculture that surrounded him to downtrodden, travel-weary biographical entries that are both lonely and tender. Footprints, Poems, and Leaves functions like a journal capturing Wong’s tumultuous life in this period, which included being arrested at a queer, drug-fueled house party (along with Rudolf Nureyev and Dame Margot Fonteyn) and a stay in a mental institution in late 1967 and early 1968. Around the time of the book’s publication, Wong enrolled in Humboldt State University to finish his degree, beginning a new chapter for the artist.

Despite the dark backdrops of many of the works, the writing displays a playfulness with form and language and a sense of humor that can be seen throughout Wong’s later work as well. Altogether, Footprints, Poems, and Leaves creates a rich tapestry of visual poetry that is both a product of its time and the budding artistic mind of a young Martin Wong.

Martin Wong (1946-1999) was born in Portland, Oregon and raised in San Francisco, California. He studied ceramics at Humboldt State University, graduating in 1968. Wong was active in the performance art groups The Cockettes and Angels of Light before moving to New York in 1978. He exhibited for two decades at notable downtown galleries including EXIT ART, Semaphore, and P·P·O·W, among others, before his passing in San Francisco from an AIDS related illness. His work is represented in the collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY; Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY; The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, NY; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY; Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH; Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL; and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA, among others. Human Instamatic, a comprehensive retrospective, opened at the Bronx Museum of The Arts in November 2015, before traveling to the Wexner Center for the Arts in 2016 and the UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive in 2017. In 2022, the first extensive, touring exhibition of Wong’s work in Europe, Martin Wong: Malicious Mischief, opened at Museo Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo in Madrid before traveling to KW Institute of Contemporary Art (Berlin), Camden Art Centre (London), and Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam).

by Martin Wong

REGULAR PRICE ¥4,180  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9798988573609

28 pages
139 x 216 mm
black and white