サンフランシスコを拠点として活動するフォトグラファー、RJ・ムナ(RJ Muna)の作品集。本作は、鳥が飛行する最中のさまざまな姿を捉えている。作者は機械として在るカメラと、カメラが撮影するものに対する冷淡さを積極的に受け入れ、撮影時の露出を変化させることで、個々の鳥を意図的にぼかした抽象性を描き、鳥の動きの本質を写し出している。イメージが持つ明瞭度のレベルを変えることで、写真と写真の間に相互作用が生まれており、それぞれのイメージが何をもたらしているか解釈するために、鑑賞者は作品群全体を見る必要があるだろう。飛翔の速度をとらえることで、最小限の細かさをもった「動き」の並ぶ情景を蛇腹状の造本の上に生み出しており、その動きは翼の羽の端が上昇する様子から曲線を成す表現主義的ストロークまで多岐にわたる。

RJ Muna’s photographic series, Fleeting Gestures, captures various images of birds mid-flight. Muna embraces the camera as a machine and its indifference to what it takes a picture of. With variations in the exposure, he creates intentionally blurred abstractions of individual birds that capture the essence of their motion. Varying levels of clarity create an interplay between the photographs that requires the viewer to see the whole selection in order to interpret what each image conveys. The velocity of flight creates an array of gestures, minimal in detail, that range from the upward ascent of the feathered edge of a wing to the curvilinear expressionist stroke of a horizon.

Beautifully printed in duotone on Korean art paper, Fleeting Gestures features an accordion binding with cloth covers, presented in a raven-black cloth slipcase. The first edition of this exquisite artist’s book is limited to 750 copies.

“RJ Muna has created photographic versions of these invented glimpses, pictures that offer unrelated elements with an implausible balance, shifting back and forth between reality and surreality. These pictures of ‘indecisive moments’ led him to go further to consider the kind of glimpses that are entirely within the mind, seen only (and only occasionally) by the mind's eye.” — Owen Edwards

by RJ Muna

REGULAR PRICE ¥16,500  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781590056042

hardcover in a slipcase
68 pages
292 x 330 mm
black and white
limited edition of 750 copies

published by NAZRAELI PRESS