日本人美術家、奈良美智の作品集。スペインの「ビルバオ・グッゲンハイム美術館(Guggenheim Museum Bilbao)」で開催された展覧会に伴い刊行された。

1984年から現在に至るまでの40年間に制作された作品を網羅し、絵画、ドローイング、彫刻、陶器、インスタレーション作品などを通じて、そのコンセプチュアルな制作過程を明らかにする。本書では作品を3つの時期に分けており、1980年代に日本で制作された最初の作品から始まる。その後、「デュッセルドルフ美術アカデミー(Kunstakademie Düsseldorf)」でドイツ人アーティストのA.R.ペンク(A.R. Penck)のもとで「ドイツ表現主義」を学び、新たに発見する一方で、作者は言葉の壁がもたらす孤独に呼応し、自身の特徴的な言語の一部として認識されるようになるキャラクターを作品に導入し始めた。最後に、2000年に日本へ帰国した後に制作された絵画、ドローイング、インスタレーション、彫刻を紹介し、本書は締めくくられている。

Sweet yet sinister, Nara's paintings of children and animals are beloved the world over for their punchy iconography and punk-rock spirit.

This definitive monograph spans 40 years, from 1984 to the present day, in the career of the iconic artist, shedding light on Nara’s conceptual process through paintings, drawings, sculptures, ceramics and installations that reflect his empathetic vision of the world around him. Published in conjunction with the epochal exhibition at Museo Guggenheim Bilbao in Spain, this eponymous monograph divides Nara’s oeuvre into three chronological periods, beginning with his first artworks created in Japan in the 1980s, in which recurring elements of his personal history appear, such as his family’s house and childlike figures, developed under the influence of artists such as Takeshi Motai. The volume then highlights the artist’s fruitful stay in Germany, where Nara reacted to the isolation imposed by the language barrier while he studied and discovered German Expressionism with A.R. Penck at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and introduced in his production the central characters that would soon be recognized as part of his signature language. Finally, the monograph closes by exploring the work Nara produced after his return to Japan in 2000, presenting an essential selection of his late paintings, drawings, installations and sculptures.

by Yoshitomo Nara

REGULAR PRICE ¥10,450  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9788410024335

180 pages
203 x 241 mm

published by LA FÁBRICA