アメリカ人フォトグラファー、ジェフリー・コンリー(Jeffrey Conley)の作品集。本書は2011年に「NAZRAELI PRESS」より刊行された作者にとって初刊行となる同名写真集のリマスター増補版である。当時、刊行と同時に完売し、以降コレクター垂涎の一冊となり、同時に作者は現代で最も熟達した風景写真家のひとりとなった。本新版では、オリジナルに掲載されている42点に18点の作品を追加し、すべて韓国製の自然素材を用いた紙に、前版にも増して美しいデュオトーンで印刷が施されている。

- ジェフリー・コンリー

Jeffrey Conley's first monograph, Winter, was published by Nazraeli Press in 2011. It comprised a selection of 42 images of the essence of “winter”, quickly selling out and becoming a highly collectible monograph. Since this first publication, Conley has matured into one of the most accomplished landscape photographers of our time. We are now pleased to announce a new and remastered edition of this important first book, which includes 18 additional images as well as the original 42, all remastered and reproduced to the highest standards on Korean art paper.

Known for his meticulously crafted black and white prints, which have been widely exhibited and collected in the United States and abroad, Conley has been the subject of four monographs and seen his work exhibited and collected by public and private institutions throughout the United States and Europe. Conley lives and works in the Willamette Valley of Oregon.

This new and expanded edition of Winter is printed in duotone on natural art paper, bound in linen, and is limited to 1,500 copies.

Having grown up in the northeastern United States, I can vividly remember the childhood feeling of waking up on a Winters’ morning and looking out the window at a magical, snow covered world. I was enthralled with the ethereal qualities of snow; how it defined and transformed objects, reflected light, and how it softened sound. Over the years as a photographer I have continued to be captivated and inspired by the simple, transcendent, yet austere winter landscape. When I look at the collection of photographs that comprise this book, I am brought back to the places and individual experiences they represent. Some of the photographs were made in spectacularly remote places, others in profoundly ordinary locations where a confluence of elements brought about something unique and inspiring. Ultimately, these photographs are the result of my journeys and observations, and have provided an intense personal peace that I hope is felt by others. — Jeffrey Conley

by Jeffrey Conley

REGULAR PRICE ¥14,300  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781590056004

80 pages
254 x 330 mm
black and white
limited edition of 1,500 copies

published by NAZRAELI PRESS