ABRUZZO by Michael Kenna

アメリカ在住のイギリス人フォトグラファー、マイケル・ケンナ(Michael Kenna)の作品集。イタリア南部に位置するアブルッツォは、州の3分の1以上を国立公園などの自然保護区が占めることから「ヨーロッパの緑の州」と呼ばれ、ヨーロッパ最大の生物種の多様度指数を誇り、世界で最も植物相が豊かな場所の一つとして知られている。今、世界の大部分では、手軽なコミュニケーション手段やグローバル化により文化的な独自性が失われつつある。作者はその独自性をアブルッツォで見つけ、中世の遺跡や古代の村々、伝統的な農耕により恵み豊かに潤う田園地帯を撮影した。

素晴らしい自然の景観が広がるアブルッツォの遺産は、歴史的に見て、とりわけ19世紀に活躍した多くの世界的な風景画家を惹きつけてきた不思議な魅力を感じさせる。この地で制作してきた著名な画家たちの濃厚な歴史的文脈にマイケル・ケンナの趣は実にしっくりと合い、その作品には時折ロマン主義的な影響も見られる。例えば、歴史的な風土を写したイメージ群は過去の記憶を蘇らせるほどの哀愁を漂わせ、遺跡や廃墟の写真からは歴史と自然との間に生まれる結びつきが絶えず進化し続け現在に至る、その流れを感じさせる。」— ヴィンセンツォ・デ・ポンペイス(キュレーター)本作序文より抜粋



JAPAN / A Love Story 100 Photographs by Michael Kenna
会期:2024年4月17日(水)- 5月5日(日・祝)
時間:11:00-18:00(最終日 - 17:00)

マイケル・ケンナ 50年の軌跡と日本
Michael Kenna. Fifty years.
会期:2024年5月11日(土)- 6月8日(土)

Abruzzo, located in southern Italy, is known as the ‘green region of Europe’ because of the system of parks and nature reserves covering more than one-third of its territory. It has one of the highest biodiversity indexes in Europe, and one of the richest areas of flora in the world. In Abruzzo, Michael Kenna found a cultural identity that elsewhere, for the most part, has been lost to globalization and instant communication. Kenna photographed medieval ruins, ancient villages and a countryside rich in traditional cultivation. As curator Vincenzo de Pompeis writes in the book’s introduction, “Abruzzo's heritage, together with its impressive natural scenery, brings to mind romantic connotations that have historically attracted many international landscape artists, particularly in the 19th century. Michael Kenna fits perfectly into this rich historical vein of celebrated landscape artists who have worked in Abruzzo. Kenna's work often evokes the influences of Romanticism. In his photographs of historic rural landscapes, for example, there is an air of melancholy, which accompanies memories from the past. His images of ruins stir up feelings of passing time, of the constantly evolving ties between history and nature.”
This gorgeous new monograph by renowned landscape photographer Michael Kenna is published to coincide with a major museum exhibition opening in July, 2017 in Loreto Aprutino, Italy. Richly printed in duotone on matt art paper, and presented in an olive-green cloth slipcase with black debossed text on one side and a tipped-in image on the other, Abruzzo presents 65 images from the series, published here for the first time. Abruzzo opens with a bilingual essay by curator Vincenzo de Pompeis. This first printing is limited to 2,500 copies. A special edition of 100 copies, numbered and signed and presented in a custom clamshell box, is also available.

by Michael Kenna

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,550  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 978-1-59005-463-5

hardcover in a slipcase
80 pages
305 x 330 mm
black and white
limited edition of 2,500 copies

published by NAZRAELI PRESS