THE ARTIST’S BOOKS by Francesca Woodman

アメリカ人フォトグラファー、フランチェスカ・ウッドマン(Francesca Woodman)の作品集。


本書は、作者が手がけた8冊のユニークなアーティストブックの全ページを初めて包括的な一冊としてまとめた作品集。著名な一作「Some Disordered Interior Geometries」に加え、これまでに公開されたことのない新たに発見された2冊を収録。本シリーズの基盤となったのは、1970年代後半にローマの書店や蚤の市で作者が収集した、19世紀や20世紀初頭のぼろぼろの日誌やノートである。作者はこれらを掘り出し、その想像力をかき立てさせるそれぞれのページに自身のプリントやスライドフィルム、注釈文などを貼り付け、変身させた。物語とシークエンスの間にある精巧な関係性を示し、本という形に対する作者の関心の領域に新たな見解をもたらすシリーズである。

Francesca Woodman made her first mature photographs at the age of thirteen and went on to create a body of work that has been critically acclaimed for its singularity of style and innovative approach to photography. Despite her lifetime accomplishments – which included solo and group exhibitions and the publication of one of her books – and her work being celebrated widely in the years since her untimely death in 1981, very little has been published about her remarkable series of artist’s books until now.

Francesca Woodman: The Artist’s Books collects for the first time every page of all eight of Francesca Woodman’s unique artist’s books in one comprehensive volume, including two newly discovered books which have never been seen before, alongside better-known titles such as Some Disordered Interior Geometries. The basis of these works is in tattered nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century journals and notebooks that Woodman collected from bookshops and flea markets in Rome in the late 1970s. She later transformed these found volumes, attaching her prints, transparencies, and written annotations to their evocative pages. These books demonstrate a sophisticated relationship to narrative and sequence and offer a new understanding of the scope of Woodman’s engagement with the book form.

by Francesca Woodman

REGULAR PRICE ¥16,500  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781913620882

416 pages
245 x 300 mm 
color, black and white

published by MACK