DIKE BLAIR (2023) by Dike Blair

ニューヨークを拠点に活動するアメリカ人アーティスト、ダイク・ブレア(Dike Blair)の作品集。本書は作者がこれまでに制作してきた油彩画を紹介する広範なモノグラフである。これまで数十年に渡りガッシュを使用し制作してきたが、2017年に油彩画での制作を始めた。その結果生まれたノワール調の情景は、作者のスタイルを保ちつつ、作品に新たな独特の輝きを与えた。


作者の描く食べ物はウェイン・ティーボー(Wayne Thiebaud)のような柔らかな色合いと鳥瞰的な視点を思い出させ、窓から臨む景色はエドワード・ホッパー(Edward Hopper)のモダニズムとウィリアム・エグルストン(William Eggleston)の写実的な眼差しを組み合わせたようである。

After decades of working with gouache, Blair turns to oil paint for his most recent series of hyperrealist street scenes, tablescapes and windows.

Working from his own photographs of subjects such as cigarette packets, blossoming flowers, snacks, liquor glasses and coffee cups, doors and desolate, nighttime scenes, New York–based artist Dike Blair (born 1952) creates intimate, diaristic tableaux paintings. His depictions of food evoke the soft palette and bird's-eye perspective of Wayne Thiebaud, while his window views and landscapes combine the modernism of Edward Hopper with the photorealistic eye of William Eggleston. After using gouache for decades, Blair began working in oil in 2017; the resulting noirish scenes retain the artist’s signature style, but imbue his works with a particular novel luster. This expansive monograph presents Blair’s paintings in oil to date. Illustrated with hundreds of recent works, the book features a reprint of a formative 2018 essay on the artist by Helen Molesworth, as well as new scholarship by Jim Lewis and Christine Robinson.

by Dike Blair

REGULAR PRICE ¥13,200  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781961883017

336 pages
260 x 279 mm

published by KARMA