BELGRAVIA by Karen Knorr

ドイツ生まれ、イギリスを拠点とするアメリカ人フォトグラファー、カレン・ノール(Karen Knorr)の作品集。本作は、サッチャー時代が幕を開けたばかりのロンドンに暮らしていた国際的で裕福な人々のイメージに引用文を組み合わせ、その者たちが属する階級やその権力を表現した一昨。1979年から1981年にかけて制作されながら2015年に初めて出版された。特権階級というマイノリティの「日常」を描いた本作は、人物を実際より良く見せようとした昔ながらの上流階級のポートレイトとは趣を異にし、被写体となった人々が撮影中に発した言葉の引用とポートレイトとの組み合わせに社会風刺が込められている。



※註 イギリスに住む、イギリス国籍を持たない人を指す。当時、イギリス国外の資産がある場合、それに対する課税が免除されていた。現在は当時と比べ税法に変更が生じている。

Karen Knorr's Belgravia, describes through images and accompanying quotes, class and power amongst the international and wealthy during the beginning of Thatcherism in London. Produced between 1979 and 1981 the images are now available for the first time in a beautiful artists monograph. Measuring 35 x 28 cm, printed on heavy stock and housed in a protective transparent jacket, the work describes the ‘everyday’ of a privileged minority, and whilst historically, portraiture of the upper classes has tended to be flattering, the combination of portraits and quotes from the subjects recorded during their sessions, brings Knorr's work closer to satire.

Of the work, Karen says “Belgravia is a cosmopolitan and rich neighbourhood in London near Harrods in Knightsbridge with many non-domiciled residents. My parents lived in Belgravia and the second image of the series is a photograph of my mother and grandmother in the front room of our “maisonette” on Lowndes Square. Yet the photographs are not about individuals but about a group of people and their ideas during a particular time in history. They are “non-portraits” in that they do not aim to flatter or to show the “truth” of these people. People are not named and remain anonymous.”

The meaning of the work can be found in the space between image and text: neither text nor image illustrate each other, but create a “third meaning” to be completed by the spectator. The text slows down the viewing process as we study the text and return to re-evaluate the image in light of what we have read. There are key words capitalised and words from conversations are broken up and laid out on the surface of the photographic paper emphasising its constructed and ironic nature.

by Karen Knorr

REGULAR PRICE ¥7,480  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 978-0-956992-24-6

58 pages
350 x 280 mm
black and white 
limited edition of 1,000 copies

published by STANLEY/BARKER