FAMILY by Masahisa Fukase



 本書は、1991年にInter Press Corporationより刊行された写真集『家族』の新装版である。深瀬が生前に手がけた最後の1冊でもあった本作が四半世紀以上の月日を経て、装い新たに生まれ変わる。深瀬写真館で撮影された家族の肖像写真が撮影年順に収録され、巻末には原版に収録された深瀬による自伝と、深瀬昌久アーカイブスの創設者兼ディレクターを務めるトモ・コスガによる本作解説が収録される。

記事:言葉なき対話〈006〉「 Mackと本を作る」(アパートメント)/ トモ・コスガ


深瀬昌久 1961-1991 レトロスペクティブ
会期:2023年3月3日(金) - 2023年6月4日(日) 月曜休館
開催場所:東京都写真美術館 2F展示室

My entire family, whose image I see inverted in the frosted glass, will die one day. This camera, which reflects and freezes their images, is actually a device for archiving death’. – Masahisa Fukase

For three generations the Fukase family ran a photography studio in Bifuka, a small provincial town in the northern Japanese province of Hokkaido. In August 1971, at the age of 35, Masahisa Fukase returned home from Tokyo, where he had moved in the 1950s. He realised that the Fukase Photographic Studio, which his younger brother managed, combined with the growing family members, constituted the perfect subject for a series of portraits. Between 1971 and 1989, he returned regularly and used the family studio, the large-format Anthony view camera and the changing family line-up as the basis for the series. True to his style, Fukase often introduced third-party models and humorous elements to juxtapose the ineluctable reality of time passing and the dwindling family group. He continued the series through his father’s death in 1987, up until the closure of the Fukase studio due to bankruptcy in 1989, and the consequential dispersion of the family. Family (Kazoku) was released in 1991, and was Fukase’s last book. It begins with a photograph of the family studio and the following 31 images are family portraits made in the studio in chronological order. The book includes an extensive autobiography written by Fukase himself.

by Masahisa Fukase

REGULAR PRICE ¥9,020  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781912339570

96 pages
310 x 230 mm
black and white

published by MACK