OLAY by Emin Özmen [SIGNED]

イスタンブールを拠点に活動するトルコ人フォトグラファー、フォトジャーナリスト、映画製作者、エミン・オズマン(Emin Özmen)の作品集。英語で「出来事」や「事件」を意味する「Olay」は、作者がたゆまぬ努力で記録した、トルコにおける激動の10年間の力強い年代記である。本書は、作者初の作品集であり、失敗に終わったクーデター、民衆蜂起、自然災害、政治的粛清、現在進行中の軍事活動など、劇的な出来事に見舞われ、絶え間なく混乱する自身の祖国を、これまでの作品から語る一冊。



本書には、トルコ人小説家、ジャーナリスト、人権活動家、元政治囚のアスル・エルドアン(Aslı Erdoğan)による長文テキストを掲載。

「The Economist」誌のトルコ特派員であるピョートル・ザルスキー(Piotr Zalewski)の紹介による年表や作者の個人的な文章も収録し、本プロジェクトにおいて作者の長期的な協力者であるフランス人歴史家クロエ・ケルホアス(Cloé Kerhoas)と共同編集した一冊である。

Meaning ‘event’ or ‘incident’ in English, Olay is a powerful chronicle of a tumultuous decade Turkey, tirelessly documented by Emin Özmen. This first book by Özmen is a retrospective of his work to date, recounting the photographer’s homeland in a ceaseless state of turmoil, hit by dramatic events including a failed coup d’état, popular uprisings, natural disasters, political purges, and ongoing military operations. This vivid and fast-paced series of black-and-white photographs is punctuated with moments of calm in the form of meditative colour images and personal texts. Despite the omnipresent tension, a feeling of graciousness and warmth emerges from Özmen’s work, which unfolds into a nuanced and necessary comment on the Turkish state and the sentiments of its people.

We are constantly being tossed around between violence and quiet daily life. Turkey gives no respite. Never a week without a drama, never a month without a major event. Olay is a documentation of Turkey, on the brink of violence and grace. Here, nothing is simple, everything intertwines and clashes, the beautiful as well as the ugly, sadness as well as joy.

The book includes an extensive timeline introduced by Piotr Zalewski, Turkey correspondent for The Economist, as well as personal texts written by Özmen, and is co-edited with Cloé Kerhoas.

by Emin Özmen

REGULAR PRICE ¥12,100  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781913620738

160 pages
170 x 230 mm
black and white

published by MACK