ENSEMBLES by Éléonore False
バインダーの中身を再現した本書のページには、5つの作品群が散りばめられている。それぞれのアンサンブルの中で、数点の異なるシリーズ、類型、瞬間が交錯し、交互に現れてくる。それは、彼女の過去の展覧会から生まれたものに加えて、新たな関係が浮かび上がってくるためである。そこに、5人の作家がそれぞれ特定のアンサンブルに焦点を当てながら、ファルスの作品とその周囲に関する文章を提示する。そこに、彼女が10年以上にわたり行ってきた実践をたどるべく、キュレーターでありミュージアム・マネージャーのキャシー・アリウ(Kathy Alliou)がインタビューの中で彼女の言葉に寄り添っている。」
Mathilde de Croix(マティルド・ド・クロワ)
"Books are the starting point for the majority of Éléonore False's works. It is there that she forages for the images she culls directly from the page, or which she reproduces. An initial spatialization then takes place in the binders that she fills up with transparent folders containing her cut-out forms and their leftovers. The placement of these elements is far from fixed, and nor is their order and chronology.
For this publication, her first monograph, selections from these binders have been reproduced, with gradual shifts in scale. Together with the graphic design agency and publisher Syndicat, False has for the first time fixed some of these intuitive assemblages and fortuitous juxtapositions. The compositions that result are sometimes characterized by an immediate clarity—as in one where a chameleon is overlaid onto various strata of organic material. Others allow for glimpses of their various original iconographic sources, or feature a highly varied formal vocabulary: the visual power of a full-page, glossy image of a red-lipped mouth turned on to a vertical axis, or the evocative power of counterforms on blank pages that reveal the silhouette of a face through a careful strategy of reserve.
The pages reproduced here are interspersed with five ensembles of works. In each ensemble, several different series, typologies, and moments intersect and alternate with one another to reveal new relationships alongside those that have emerged from her past exhibitions. Five authors have agreed to propose texts on and around False's work, each focusing on one particular ensemble, while Kathy Alliou accompanies the artist's words in an interview that retraces more than a decade of her practice."
Mathilde de Croix