ONLY APPLES by Brigham Baker

チューリッヒを拠点に活動するアメリカ人アーティスト、ブリガム・ベイカー(Brigham Baker)の作品集。2019年10月から2020年1月にかけてチューリッヒの「ヴィンタートゥール美術館(Kunst Museum Winterthur)」で開催された「11th Manor Kunstpreis Zürich 2019」内の作者の展覧会に伴い刊行された。作者にとって初めての作品集に収録されているのは、タイトル通り "リンゴのみ" である。本作は、リンゴが木からぶら下がって熟し、ゆっくりと腐っていく様子をアナログ写真で記録している。長期にわたる観察の結果、時間、変化、はかなさを扱った、親密で自伝的な作品が誕生した。その過程で、古典的なヴァニタスの静物画を連想させると同時にそれを常に覆している。これらの写真作品に作者自身が書き下ろした短編が添えられている。


Brigham Bakers first artists’ book «Only Apples» includes what the title suggests: Nothing more than apples. It shows analogue close-up photos of apples as they ripen hanging from the tree and slowly rot. The long-term study has resulted in an intimate, autobiographically colored work that deals with time, change and transience. In the process, echoes of classic vanitas still lifes are evoked and at the same time constantly undermined. The photographic works are supplemented by a short story written by the artist.

The observation of nature shapes the artistic practice of Brigham Baker (*1989). He is fascinated by its diversity, the countless microsystems and their ability to constantly change and adapt. On the other hand, there are functional and logical-mathematical systems that profoundly change society. Baker’s works of art connects nature and culture, which we are inclined to perceive as contrary or at least dual. His activities as a beekeeper and urban gardener form the basis for the precise observation of animals and plants and their self-organization as well as their cultivation.

The book is released as part of the solo exhibition at the 11th Manor Kunstpreis Zürich 2019 at Kunst Museum Winterthur.

by Brigham Baker

REGULAR PRICE ¥5,720  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9783945900451

116 pages
225 x 290 mm
limited edition of 800 copies

published by EDITION TAUBE