CHEZ WALTI PHOTOGRAPHS 2000–2022 by Walter Pfeiffer

スイス人フォトグラファー、ヴァルター・ファイファー(Walter Pfeiffer)の作品集。2001年、作者は1980年から2022年までの写真作品の選集『Welcome Aboard』を同じ版元より出版した。同書は現代写真の先駆者としての作者の重要性を明らかにし、作者の古典的な「アーティストのためのアーティスト」としての起りから『ヴォーグ(Vogue)』をはじめとする国際的な雑誌での活躍、「ボッテガ・ヴェネタ(Bottega Veneta)」といった高級ブランドのキャンペーンを撮影する世界的に著名な芸術家へと台頭する基盤となった。


In 2001, Edition Patrick Frey published Welcome Aboard, a compilation of Walter Pfeiffer’s photographs from 1980 to 2022. The book revealed Pfeiffer’s importance as a pioneer of contemporary photography and laid the foundation for his rise from a classic “artist’s artist” to a world-renowned artist who went on to work for international magazines like Vogue and shoot campaigns for luxury brands like Bottega Veneta.

Chez Walti retraces the arc of this recent work over the past 23 years and shows how Pfeiffer fine-tuned and renewed his photographic gaze, absorbing influences from the current zeitgeist even while remaining unmistakably himself in both his personal and commissioned work. Pfeiffer’s light, witty touch and unfailing eye for beauty are the hallmarks of his gorgeous guys and cheeky gals, lush still lifes and bucolic landscapes, chic fashion and bare skin. Chez Walti catapults us into Walter Pfeiffer’s weightless parallel universe, whose magic has intensified over the past two decades.

by Walter Pfeiffer

REGULAR PRICE ¥16,500  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9783907236635

418 pages
230 x 300 mm