DELAY by Paul Czerlitzki


ポーランド人アーティスト、ポール・ツェルリッツキ(Paul Czerlitzki)の作品集。作者の絵画制作は、モノクロームの色域から浮かび上がる、構造、塵埃、印象という形で現れた時間的なレイヤーのスーパーインポジション(重ね合わせ)の実験である。キャンバスに重ねていく絵の具を通して、素材の反転した痕跡を形作る構造を生み出している。つまりキャンバスは土台や支持体ではなく、媒体となるのである。下地処理をしたパネルの上に未処理のパネルを張り、アクリル絵の具を染み込ませることで、下地というレイヤーには人のコントロールが及ばない多様な強度の色彩の靄を発生させる。作者は絵画を実験室として捉えており、絵が生まれるまでの間の様々な時間的かつ空間的な「星座」を視覚化しているのだ。

Paul Czerlitzki’s (b. Gdańsk, Poland, 1986; lives and works in Dusseldorf) painting practice experiments with the superimposition of temporal layers that emerge on monochrome color fields in the form of structures, dust particles, or impressions. Czerlitzki paints through the canvas to engender structures that form a negative imprint of the material. The canvas operates in the artist’s work not as a support but as a transfer medium: he stretches a second, untreated panel over a primed one and then impregnates it with acrylic paint, yielding a chromatic haze of varying intensity on the underlying canvas that eludes firm control. Conceiving painting as a laboratory, Czerlitzki thus visualizes the presence of different temporal and spatial constellations within the genesis of the picture.

Czerlitzki participated in the celebrated exhibition Now! Painting in Germany Today, which, after three editions in Bonn, Chemnitz, and Wiesbaden, concluded with a major survey show at Hamburg’s Deichtorhallen. Works by the artist were shown recently at Kunsthalle Bern and are held by the Contemporary Art Collection of the Federal Republic of Germany; the Kunstmuseum Bonn; the Collection Ricard and the Collection Billarant in Paris; the Fondation CAB, Brussels; Philara Collection, Dusseldorf; and the collection of G2 Kunsthalle, Leipzig, among others.

DELAY is Czerlitzki’s first monograph and showcases works from the past ten years. With essays by Adam Budak, Michal Budny, and Ulrich Loock.

by Paul Czerlitzki

REGULAR PRICE ¥8,800  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9783954764198

200 pages
240 x 320 mm
color, black and white

published by DISTANZ