PLATES I-XXXI by Lia Darjes

ドイツ人フォトグラファー、リア・ダーイェス(Lia Darjes)の作品集。リス、シジュウカラ、ナメクジ、野ネズミ、アリ、スズメ... この小動物たちが、作者が紡ぐミステリアスな物語の主人公である。怖がらせるというよりは、何か秘密を持っているような不思議さを醸し出し、観る者を魅了し虜にする。



Squirrels, tits, slugs, field mice, ants, sparrows: these are some of the small animals that become the protagonists of Lia Darjes’ mysterious tale. Far from frightening, they captivate and charm with their furtive spirit.

In a style reminiscent of the Dutch masters who inspire her, Lia Darjes captures the secret life of these timid creatures. Placing the leftovers of a meal in her or her friend’s garden, she entrusts the ensuing spectacle to her camera, which she leaves outside for hours or days at a time, its shots triggered by movement. This encounter between staged and chance creates a documentary study of these fellow beings with whom we live side by side, and yet so separately from.

Plates I-XXXI is a silent, colourful series that lifts the veil to reveal that unexpected visitors and magical parallel worlds are closer than we think.

by Lia Darjes

REGULAR PRICE ¥8,250  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9791096383429

64 pages
205 x 260 mm

shortlist of the Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards 2024 - the PhotoBook of the Year Prize

published by CHOSE COMMUNE