ELLSWORTH KELLY (2015) by Ellsworth Kelly

アメリカの現代絵画の巨匠、エルズワース・ケリー(Ellsworth Kelly)の作品集。ヴィジュアルアーティストであるタウバ・アウエルバッハ(Tauba Auerbach)やアーティストのマット・コナーズ(Matt Connors)マルチメディアアーティストのアレックス・イスラエル(Alex Israel)など、後の世代の芸術家たちに影響を与えた抽象画のパイオニアである作者の、本人による密な協力のもとに制作されたモノグラフ完全版。


絵画、彫刻、ドローイング、写真、ポストカードや版画、最も有名な作品となったモノクロームの抽象絵画を図版で紹介し、作者の研究者であるトリシア・パイク(Tricia Paik)による年代学的概説も収録。詳細に語られたインタビューや、個人的なアーカイブからのイメージ群、作者のインスピレーションとなったアーティストの作品などを収め、個人としていかにアートへのアプローチしてきたか称賛する一冊となっている。

キュレーターであるロバート・ストー(Robert Storr)、美術史家のリチャード・シフ(Richard Shiff)、キュレーターであるゲイリー・ギャレルズ(Gary Garrels)、同じくキュレーターのギャビン・デラハンティ(Gavin Delahunty)など、名だたる作家や評論家によるショート・エッセイや、作者の人生と作品を挿絵と共に描くナラティブな年代記、未公開であった作品も注目に値する。

The definitive monograph, created in close collaboration with the artist (1923-2015), a pioneer of abstract art, who influenced subsequent generations of artists such as Tauba Auerbach, Matt Connors and Alex Israel.

This definitive monograph, and the last book to be created in close collaboration with the artist, a pioneer of abstract art and one of the most distinctive and influential artists of our time, maps his prolific and diverse oeuvre from the 1940s to his final projects before his death in late 2015.

Encompassing his paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs, postcards and prints, and including the iconic monochromatic paintings for which he has become best known, this monograph includes a chronological survey by Kelly expert Tricia Y. Paik. Enriched with in-depth interviews with Kelly, images from his personal archive, artworks by the artists who have inspired him and his own works, this survey celebrates Kelly's individual approach to his art.

This monograph also features short essays by leading writers and critics, Robert Storr, Richard Shiff, Gary Garrels and Gavin Delahunty, and an illustrated narrative chronology mapping Kelly's life and work, with many never before published images.

– Beautiful book production values including topped-in divider pages and a red cloth slipcase with stamping.
– All of his major works and periods, from his early figurative art to his distinctive paintings featuring blocks of single, flat colours and silhouetted shapes; from his prints and drawings to his large scale outdoor sculptures.
– A survey text and narrative chronology by Kelly expert Tricia Y Paik features new insights from the artist following in-depth interviews, as well as never-before-published images, sketches and other material from his personal archives.
– Short essays by leading art historians, curators and writers: Robert Storr, Richard Shiff, Gary Garrels and Gavin Delahunty.

by Ellsworth Kelly

REGULAR PRICE ¥19,800  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9780714869476

hardcover in a slipcase
368 pages
238 x 305 mm
color, black and white

published by PHAIDON