ドイツ人アーティスト、ヨゼフ・アルバース(Josef Albers)の作品集。1935年から1968年にかけて、妻でありアーティストのアニ・アルバース(Anni Albers)とともに中南米諸国を12回以上訪れ、先コロンブス期の遺跡やモニュメントを作者は見学した。当時、バウハウス時代に同僚だったワシリー・カンディンスキー(Wassily Kandinsky)に宛て「メキシコはまさに抽象芸術の約束の地である(“Mexico is truly the promised land of abstract art”)」と書き送ったという。本書は、古代メソアメリカの芸術や建築を撮影したモノクロ写真での記録ととともに、そのコラージュ作品や、キャンバスや紙を用いた抽象的な作品を掲載し、遺跡と作者の作品との深い繋がりを見せる。それは、作者が幾何学的な形を用いた実験的な作品を作り続けていること、また先コロンブス期の美学を際立たせていることを感じさせる。本作品群はソロモン・R・グッゲンハイム美術館とアニ & ヨーゼフ・アルバース財団が所蔵するものを中心に、メキシコでの記録をもとにした作品を収録。実はあまり作者の活動においてあまり知られていない時期に焦点をあてている。


ジョセフ・アルバースの授業 色と素材の実験室
会期:2023年7月29日(土)- 11月5日(日)
時間: 9:30-17:00

Albers in "the promised land of abstract art”: the little-known influence of Mexico

Mexico is truly the promised land of abstract art,” Josef Albers wrote to his former Bauhaus colleague Vasily Kandinsky in 1936. Josef Albers in Mexico reveals the profound link between the art and architecture of ancient Mesoamerica and Albers’ abstract works on canvas and paper. With his wife, the artist Anni Albers, Albers toured pre-Columbian archeological sites and monuments during his 12 or more trips to Mexico and other Latin American countries between 1935 and 1968. On each visit, Albers took black-and-white photographs of pyramids, shrines, sanctuaries and landscapes, which he later assembled into rarely seen photo collages. The resulting works demonstrate Albers’ continued formal experimentation with geometry, this time accentuating a pre-Columbian aesthetic.

Josef Albers in Mexico brings together photographs, photo collages, prints and significant paintings from the Variants/Adobe (1946–66) and Homage to the Square (1950–76) series from the collections of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and the Anni and Josef Albers Foundation. Two scholarly essays, an illustrated map and vivid color reproductions of paintings and works on paper illuminate this little-known period in the influential artist’s practice.

Lauren Hinkson is Associate Curator of Collections at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Hinkson conducts permanent collection research with a focus on postwar, contemporary, and time-based media art. Hinkson manages the Guggenheim’s acquisition program and is one of the organizing curators for the museum’s Young Collectors Council, which acquires the work of emerging artists for the permanent collection. She lectures and publishes on these topics. Hinkson graduated from Brown University with a BA in the History of Art and Architecture.

Joaquín Barríendos is a professor at the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He teaches graduate courses focused on visual culture and Latin American art, with an emphasis on social movements, artists networks, geopolitics of art, visual translatability, conceptual practices, and institutional critique.

by Josef Albers

REGULAR PRICE ¥10,450  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9780892075362

128 pages
241 x 330 mm