
ポルトガル人フォトグラファーのアレクサンダー・デルマー(Alexandre Delmar)、建築家のルイス・リベイロ・ダ・シルヴァ(Luís Ribeiro da Silva)、マルガリーダ・キンタ(Margarida Quintã)、ホアキン・モレノ(Joaquim Moreno)、ジョン・ヴリード(John Wriedt)による共作。

※註 土壌汚染やそのおそれがあるために、価値が低くなり売却や利用ができなくなってしまった土地。

A story of 10 Portuguese gardens as models of collaborative independence

This publication looks at agricultural practices and the appropriation of space in the city of Porto, Portugal, and the different ways in which this phenomenon has manifested in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2011. The book recounts the stories of ten gardens and the people running them, who have resuscitated urban brownfield sites by growing fruits and vegetables as a source of food. To achieve this end, they have developed infrastructures like watering and irrigation systems and methods of cultivation, recycling, and composting, while also building storage structures and producing their own tools. Although the gardens are primarily about people providing for themselves, they also lend themselves to recreation and leisure activities.

REGULAR PRICE ¥6,600  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9783959054218

488 pages
140 x 250 mm
color, black and white

published by SPECTOR BOOKS