COSTA by José Pedro Cortes

ポルトガル人フォトグラファー、ホセ・ぺドロ・コルテス(Jose Pedro Cortes)の作品集。ポルトガルの首都リスボンから南に14キロ下ったところにあり、作者の故郷でもあるコスタ・デ・カパリカの象徴的風景を記録。丸太小屋や時代遅れの建築物、壊されることなく残された家、潮によって撒かれた埃があちこちに残るこの街は文明化によって見捨てられていった街の姿とそこに住む人々の関係性を捉えた作品を収録。ポルトガル国内有数の写真賞「BES Photo Prize 2014」のファイナリスト作品。

14 kms south from Lisboa, where I live, is Costa da Caparica. During the last years I often found myself returning to this magnetic place.José Pedro Cortes

Costa da Caparica is a place, south of Lisboa - a strip of land that exists between the last stretch of civilization and the beach. In COSTA, we wander through this territory: shacks, outmoded architecture, remains of houses, dirt left by the tide; an agglomeration of sand, vegetation and streets – a peripheral, end-of-the-line location. We are flooded by a strange luminosity; a dazzling and mysterious light which imbues these spaces with a disconcerting and unreal atmosphere, like something seen while in a hypnotic state, encouraging the spectator to participate in a suggestive and paradoxical exploration of individual experience.

by José Pedro Cortes

REGULAR PRICE ¥6,380  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 978-9-8997763-4-0

80 pages
210 x 305 mm
color, black and white