PORTRAITS by Albrecht Fuchs

ドイツ人フォトグラファー、アルブレヒト・フクス(Albrecht Fuchs)の作品集。尊敬を込めた距離感と愛情のある共感を携えた作者の方法論は、構図や安定感が見せる静かさを持つにも関わらず、不思議な緊張感をもたらす。当然のことながら、光と色を組み合わせながら慎重に構図に写し込み、そこに現れた人物は開放感がありながらも真面目な振る舞いでそこに佇む。好感がそこにはあり、結果として幻想に浸っているようにも見える。作中には、マーティン・キッペンバーガー(Martin Kippenberger)、マイク・ケリー(Mike Kelley)、ポール・マッカーシー(Paul McCarthy)、ジョン・バルデッサリ(John Baldessari)、ウォルフガング・ティルマンス(Wolfgang Tillmans)、ブルーノ・ブリュネ(Bruno Brunnet)、イザベラ・ロッセリーニ(Isabella Rossellini)、 ヨシュカ・フィッシャー(Joschka Fischer)、エンニオ・モリコーネ(Ennio Morricone)などの作家が名を連ねる。

Albrecht Fuchs, born in 1964 in Bielefeld, is a portrait artist who works with photography. His methodology of respectful distance and loving empathy leads to a strange tension in his photographs, despite the quietude and equilibrium in the compositions. Naturally, the people portrayed in the meticulously constructed images, both in terms of the use of light and colour composition, stare at one with open and serious demeanour. They would like to appear sympathisch and as result are a little lost in reverie. And yet upon closer inspection one feels there is a sense of authenticity in the moment here, which one would normally be denied. With his portraits of Martin Kippenberger, Mike Kelley, Paul McCarthy, John Baldessari, Wolfgang Tillmans, Bruno Brunnet, Isabella Rosselini, Joschka Fischer, Ennio Morricone, to name but a few of the more prominent ones, Albrecht Fuchs appears to be our constant companion in magazines such as art, Monopol or newspapers such as Süddeutsche or the FAZ. This current volume contains a large number of photographs selected and ordered by Albrecht Fuchs for the first time.

by Albrecht Fuchs

REGULAR PRICE ¥5,280  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 978-3-936859-59-1

120 pages
280 x 230 mm

published by SNOECK