ON PATTERNS by Adelaide Cioni

イタリア人アーティスト、アデレイド・チオーニ(Adelaide Cioni)の作品集。2023年3月から4月にかけてロンドンの「ミモザ・ハウス(Mimosa House)」で開催された、作者にとってイギリスで初めての個展に伴い刊行された。

パターンとは、無限と自然を目指す不器用な試みであり、巨大なものを目の前にした愚かで勇敢な行動である。」- アデレイド・チオーニ



Patterns are an awkward attempt to point towards infinity and nature, an act of foolish bravery in front of something huge.”—Adelaide Cioni

What are patterns? How do they get rooted in our imagery? What do they tell us about ourselves and our relationship with nature, space, and infinity? How are they connected to music? Why do we find the same ones appearing in so many distant parts of the world? These are some of the questions that the new book Adelaide Cioni: On Patterns wants to explore. Cioni has investigated these themes in her practice through drawings, fabrics, performances, spatial installations, and collaborations with dancers and musicians. Produced on the occasion of Cioni’s first solo exhibition in the United Kingdom—Ab Ovo / On Patterns—at Mimosa House, London, the book aims to present the artist’s research. It follows five main threads in her work: nature, language, craft, abstraction, and movement.

by Adelaide Cioni

REGULAR PRICE ¥5,280  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9788867495764

144 pages
165 x 230 mm